未必在网上看到许多漂亮的图片修艳弘 拳交,真恨不得将它们倾收囊中。一般情况下,咱们先用迅雷的“使用迅雷下载一齐结合”功能,再手工选择图片类型,这么作念程序较多。事实上,集中上无数的图片是JPG神气的,咱们只有我方脱手,很粗拙地操作就能作念到一步保存页面好意思图。致使也能请电脑妙手作念好,然后将这个功能“装配”到你的迅雷5上,畸形酷!
先参加X:\Program Files\Thunder Network\Thunder\Program文献夹,选中getAllurl.htm,网友自拍偷偷色按下Ctrl+C,再按下Ctrl+V,将会生成“getAllurl - 复制.htm”文献。选中它,按下F2键,将其重定名为getAlljpg.htm。
第二步:修改相应代码 修艳弘 拳交
再按下Ctrl+A键选中统共字符,按下Del将其删撤退,然后输入如下施行: <script language="VBScript"> Sub OnContextMenu() set ThunderAgent = CreateObject("ThunderAgent.Agent.1") set links = external.menuArguments.document.links set images = external.menuArguments.document.images link_count = links.length image_count = images.length strDownloadPage = external.menuArguments.document.url set theDownloadPage = external.menuArguments.document.getElementById("thunder_down_pageurl") if TypeName(theDownloadPage) <> "Nothing" then strDownloadPage = theDownloadPage.value end if strStatPage = "" set theStatPage = external.menuArguments.document.getElementById("thunder_stat_pageurl") if TypeName(theStatPage) <> "Nothing" then strStatPage = theStatPage.value end if Dim picNum if strStatPage <> "" then for i = 0 to link_count-1 If Right(links(i).href , 3)="jpg" Or Right(links(i).href , 3)="Jpg" Or Right(links(i).href , 3)="JPG" Then picNum = picNum + 1 call ThunderAgent.AddTask4(links(i).href, "photo-" + CStr(picNum) + ".jpg", "", links(i).innerText, strDownloadPage, -1, 0, -1, external.menuArguments.document.cookie, "", strStatPage) End If Next for i = 0 to image_count-1 If Right(images(i).src , 3)="jpg" Or Right(images(i).src , 3)="Jpg" Or Right(images(i).src , 3)="JPG" Then picNum = picNum + 1 call ThunderAgent.AddTask4(images(i).src, "photo-" + CStr(picNum) + ".jpg", "", images(i).innerText, strDownloadPage, -1, 0, -1, external.menuArguments.document.cookie, "", strStatPage) End If next else for i = 0 to link_count-1 If Right(links(i).href , 3)="jpg" Or Right(links(i).href , 3)="Jpg" Or Right(links(i).href , 3)="JPG" Then picNum = picNum + 1 call ThunderAgent.AddTask4(links(i).href, "photo-" + CStr(picNum) + ".jpg", "", links(i).innerText, strDownloadPage, -1, 0, -1, external.menuArguments.document.cookie, "", "") End If Next for i = 0 to image_count-1 If Right(images(i).src , 3)="jpg" Or Right(images(i).src , 3)="Jpg" Or Right(images(i).src , 3)="JPG" Then picNum = picNum + 1 call ThunderAgent.AddTask4(images(i).src, "photo-" + CStr(picNum) + ".jpg", "", images(i).innerText, strDownloadPage, -1, 0, -1, external.menuArguments.document.cookie, "", "") End If next end If call ThunderAgent.CommitTasks2(1) set ThunderAgent = nothing end Sub call OnContextMenu() </script>
修艳弘 拳交